On the occasion of the World Mental Health Day observed on 10 October, UNICEF launches the 1st Mental Health Chatbot for adolescents and youth.
mental health as fundamental to the overall health and well-being of young
people, the Chatbot aims to raise awareness about the importance of mental
health protection, combating social stigma and discrimination linked to mental
health issues. It addresses specific issues linked to mental health and
provides young people with useful tips on how to build self-esteem,
interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Some of the main themes explored in
the Chatbot include questions on “How to build positive connections with people around
you”, “How to start a conversation about mental health”, “How to
build self-acceptance” and “How to express your feelings”. The
Chatbot is free and anonymous and is made available through UNICEF’s U-Report
platform in 6 languages: English, Greek,
French, Arabic, Urdu, and Farsi. Through this
Chatbot, all adolescents and young people 12-25 years old who live in Greece can
access safe, speedy and accurate information on Mental Health directly on their
mobile phones simply by sending the message “TIPS” via any of the following
messaging channels:
Messenger: Send ‘TIPS’
using Facebook Messenger at http://m.me/UReportGreece
Viber: Follow ‘ureportgreece’ Public Account on Viber
(Go to Discover), Send the message ‘TIPS’
U-Report is a UNICEF-led platform used by more than 25 million adolescents and young people in 95 countries. In Greece, UNICEF in partnership with the Network for Children's Rights launched the platform in April 2022. U-Report aims to empower young people to express their opinions and be active citizens and positive agents of
change in their communities. It
serves as a tool for exchanging information and collecting data in real time.
The data can help decision-makers in the process of creating strategies,
policies, and services based on real needs, as well as monitor progress in
achieving strategic development goals and the realization of children's rights.