students participated in the event, registered and attended a short training on
the means of participation in public life, electronic governance and the
importance of involving young people in decision-making processes that concern
them! In addition, the students expressed their own ideas about the benefits of
participating in democratic processes, such as developing various skills,
broadening spiritual horizons, and building strong friendships. Students later
learned about their right to free expression, as enshrined in Article 12 of the
International Covenant on the Rights of the Child.
As new U-Reporters,
students responded to the first poll on "What would you like from local
authorities to make your cities friendlier to children and young people?"
The results of the poll will be taken into account for the development of
action plans in the framework of the Program "Child Friendly Cities",
in which the Municipality of Eastern Samos has joined as a candidate city. At
the end of the event, it was found that the 580 responses received from
teenagers and young people from different parts of Greece coincide, with the
priorities and concerns of young people being common. Better protection of the
environment, quality health and education services and creation of sports and
leisure facilities are among the priorities of young people for the development
of child friendly cities!
The Mayor
of Eastern Samos, George Stantzos attended the event and spoke to the students
about the importance of participation in public life, noting that "… your
voices are genuine and strong and contribute to building the future we all want
and dream of. In a place that has been tried though various hardships, but has
a quality about it, we turn the page together with this event and we bring the
change we wish to see together!"
Plakantonaki, the Deputy Representative of UNICEF Greece Country Office was
also present and addressed the students saying "… change can come from
you, through expressing your opinion using the opportunities given to you to
participate in public life. Only then, we think, our programs will have greater
impact, that is why we see this event in such light, so that we can actively
listen to you! "
completion of the first poll, the results will be sent to the participating
Municipalities, with the aim of integrating them into policy-making for better
living conditions for children and young people in their cities. Children and
young people in Greece can become members of U-Report by sending the word
"Join" via Viber, Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.